November Dawn / Horizon EP now available in the “Music”-section!

Better late than never… As promised earlier this week, “November Dawn / Horizon EP” has now been put available for listening and download in the Music section. This EP is also first one here that is put available through SoundCloud, the service I’m most probably going to use for all future and possibly older uploads as well. Through SoundCloud, the tracks will be available both as streaming and as an MP3 download. Enjoy!

November Dawn / Horizon EP out November 18th!

Long time, no updates, but don’t worry! There is stuff happening in the background and although I have been relatively busy lately with other stuff and have not had too much time to concentrate on Tosca project, there will be some new music available in the site in a few days time.

Two-track combination November Dawn / Horizon “digital EP” will be available in the Music section of the site over the coming weekend and these tracks will also be available as MP3 download in addition to the familiar HTML5 / Flash widget streaming. If you want to take a look at what’s coming up, here’s a little teaser for you:

November Dawn / Horizon EP teaser


Tosca goes Hitlantis!

Tosca has joined Hitlantis, a free music service for independent artists and music lovers. Tosca launches the Hitlantis profile with two tracks, “Rebirth” and “Transmodulation 1”, but more will be added later. In case you are not familiar with the Hitlantis concept I suggest you try it out and while you are there, go listen and like my songs at

And just to note, the music section in this site will of course stay untouched and the songs available in Hitlantis will stay available here as well. goes public!

Finally, after a few months of editing, fine tuning, reserving domain names, some more editing and fine-tuning (including starting the site from the scratch three times), has been published and from now on will be available for everyone to see, use and comment.

At the same time of publishing the site, I have started my own twitter account (follow @toscasound on twitter here) and Facebook page (available here) so that all of you social media freaks can also see what’s up in Tosca’s world right now. I try to be active on all of these medias but as this is just a hobby no promises are made for regular updates.

So, once again, welcome and hopefully you will find something interesting here. Feel free to leave your comments to the comments-page so that I can make this site better in the future.